Garnet Kyle Entrance Scholarship

Established in 2011 to provide scholarships to students from the Rural Municipality of Franklin, in Manitoba. This is an entrance scholarship awarded annually to one first-year UWinnipeg student and is renewable for three additional years of study.

First-year and renewal eligibility are as follows:
- Students must have a minimum 90% admission average to be considered. Grade averages are competitive.
- Preference will be given to students entering first-year at UWinnipeg in the fall term immediately following high school graduation (i.e. June);
Students who graduated high school within 3 years of starting first-year studies at UWinnipeg will be given secondary consideration. If there are multiple nominees with 3 years since high school graduation, those who attended RRC Polytechnic following high school and prior to studies at UWinnipeg will be given preference.

- Eligible students must have attended one of the following high schools in preferential order:
1) Roseau Valley School, Dominion City, MB
2) W.C. Miller Collegiate, Altona, MB

Where there are multiple students being considered, a graduate of Roseau Valley School is preferred and will supersede all other grade and graduation date criteria.

- If a recipient cannot be identified from either of the preferred high schools, the UW Awards Office will seek approval from the Garnet Kyle Estate Executor to consider students who meet all other criteria who graduated from a high school in the Border Land School Division, or who is or has been a resident of the Roseau Valley High School catchment area.
- This award is renewable for an additional 3 years. To be eligible for renewal, students must enroll in a minimum of 18 credit hours for the fall and winter terms and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 4.0.

The University will hold residence space for the successful candidate until the housing application deadline.

to be determined
Anticipated Total

Anticipated total amount over the full term of this award.

